

The Learning Curve

Published July 15, 2024

The two people are known to us and have asked us to write this story for them. They want to let others know that if you focus on exactly what you want, and are patient, ...

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Issues and Smiles

Published June 7, 2024

I've only written from my own experience. And because it is all I know, and I'm sometimes barely convinced of my own existence, so how can I possibly portray ano...

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The Start Of Being A Naughty Slut Chapter 3

Published June 7, 2024

When I finally arrived home after spending the afternoon getting my arse fucked by these four very rough lads. I sheepishly made my way upstairs and instantly run myself...

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Aircarft Desire

Published June 4, 2024

After a long year of hard working i was finally able to take sometime off, being a travel agency owner I manage to win some first class tickets to wherever I wanted to g...

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My Student

Published June 4, 2024

I was then studiing for degree My neighbour asked me to give tution to his weak in Maths ans Biology. I was bit affried to go to his house because he was staying there...

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a surprise visit

Published May 26, 2024

I lay down to take a nap one evening, catching a few z's before you come to visit, I'm sure to need my energy for when you arrive. I doze off. Dreams of you run ...

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I fucked my best friend sister

Published May 24, 2024

100% fiction!

"Xavier, my Lola will be staying with us for a few weeks" Jackson, my told me. "Why?" I asked w...

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A friend in need 1

Published May 24, 2024
"What's the matter, Jan," Alana asked while maneuvering her new SUV through suburban traffic, "you haven't said three words since we left home, and if I didn&#...
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